Novice Squads

The men’s and women’s novice squads form an essential part of the club with members joining from a wide range of backgrounds and abilities. Novices compete at regional events throughout the summer and winter.

Recent Successes.


Shrewsbury Regatta M4+, Iron Bridge Regatta M4+ and M8+.  MX8, Stourport Regatta. M4+

 NV Men Ironbridege 2018

Ironbridge 2018 Men's Eight 


2016: Ironbridge Regatta. NV4+ and (Sat). NV4+, WNV4+(Sun)

Ironbridge 2016 winners

Winning novice 4's at Ironbridge 2016

 Racing in the summer is all about winning that important first pot. Speak to any member of the senior squad at Grosvenor and they will all remember that first win

Training for both squads includes water outings over the weekend with at least two additional sessions in the week.

With an active social life included, the novice squads are a great way to get into the club and form a life-long attachment with Grosvenor.

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