Grosvenor Rowing Club Chester had a very busy Sunday 17th.
The last Sunday before Christmas (or thereabout) is tradiditionally reserved for the Icicle race and the Sherry Party. Two events which in their own way deliver festive fun and games plus a small measure of Christmas chaos.
In between the race and the party, a little order was restored with the naming of our two new doubles in honour of Jim Graves and Bruce Belcher.
Jim joined the club in 2009 via the Learm to Row scheme and has become an invalualble member of the committee. Jim is the club boatman and spends endless hours fixing all the knocks and bumps on our boats. He also coaches on the Learn to Row courses and coordinates the senior men.
Bruce Belcher has been a long standing member of the club and over the years has provided support and coaching to a number of squads.
Most recenlty, Bruce has managed to coach the Masters squad in to a formidable team who race compettiively at local, national and international events.
Congratulations to both. A well deserved honour.